My Own Private Odyssey — 11 artists collaborations on walking

What happens in the mind while walking? In the case of our invited wayfarers, they returned with a wealth of treasures: a true collection of odysseys filled with revelations, adventures, and omens.
I lead & curated creative collaborations with photographers, artist, poets and creative minds in & from all around the world who went traveling internally and externally through the act of walking. From South African beaches to the parks in Tokyo, the walks are processed through the camera lens, sculpture, collage, prints, maps, collections, words and thoughts, and even a robot. The results are experimental, surprising and deeply personal.
Huge thank you to the amazing artists: Melissa Schriek, Sunjoo Lee, Elena Helfrecht, Jeewi Lee, Nico Krijno, Julian Knox, Foster Spragge, Sofie Keller, Octavio Barrera, Charlotte Fos, Yoshinori Mizutani (in no particular order).
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For Directions Magazine by Design Hotels. Layout by Alexandra Bruns
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